Thursday, August 21, 2008

Slow day...

Today on the way to work by the LRT I tengok cuaca cam ala-ala suam-suam kuku...hmm... mendung je... Tetiba lak masa dah sampai kat Masjid Jamek tu I heard police sirens.. Neeenoooo! Neeenooo!! (Camtu ke bunyik dia? ehehe..)Skali nampak a troop of police cars n trafics park sederet depan LRT station.. Sambil tu kereta-kereta belakang kena bagi laluan kat diorang.. Imagine, its morning!! Depan tu ari-ari jem.. Makin jem laaa..wuwu!! The troop of police cars and trafics tu nampak macam escorts je..Tak tau laaa escort sape n nak ke mana.. The main point is.. Diorang dah menambahkan kesesakan KL pagi nieh n surely berbakul-bakul makian mereka dapat..hehe...

Hari nie I puasa.. So, bertambah slow laaa...Keje banyak nak buat sebenarnya.. Tapi disebabkan arini kecelaruan fikiran.. Makanya what I did was membaca blog!! Shhhh....don't tell my boss!! hahaha!! Anyway she is not around today!!! hehe..

Masa tengah blog hopping tu... I crossed to someone's blog..hehe.. Agak2lah!! He is related to Ms.LilyLulu..Her YKWYA sibling..hehe...[Dats how I leh tercross to his blog..] He didn't put any names n even his pictures pun dia cover muka dia.. Wuuu!;-) Very secretive! Cool! Setakat nie pun I never put my pix here in this blog..hehe.. Atleast ppl still can see how he looks like through the figure except the face.. Wahh! Seronok je membaca all of his entries sampai yang last year punya pun aku layan... hehehe.. Until I tercross to one picture of fettuccini marinara yang dia makan..Huwaaaa!!! Dah laa gue puasa niehhh!! Terus buat plan untuk arini... Balik kerja I'm going to KLCC to get the exact fettuccini marinara!!!! Tak kiraaaa!!!

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