Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Its been long time since the last time i made a post here..Bukan takat bersarang...Dah haunted dah! ehehe...Dah masuk December dah..next month its gonna be a new year..n tambah lagi usia kita..

Theres so many things happened this year..banyak sangat...full of thrills like roller coaster..ups n downs..But Alhamdulillah i manage to get through everything...

The biggest dugaan yang Allah bagi..THE BREAKUP..My 8 years relationship with my boyfriend has ended during the bulan Syawal..Bulan baik..I try my best to selamatkan our relationship..Tapi he doesnt want to help or has the same intention..So,why wasting the time..But honestly, I think the 8 years tu pun dah such a wasting time..Wasting money,wasting the energy..My mom wants me to talk to him n discuss..But the situation is much more complicated that it seems..I kindda 'digantung tak bertali'..He just walked away like that..Menghilangkan diri..He didn't picked up my calls or answered my sms..Tak tau nak cakap sakitnya macam mana...Dah laa banyak gile his stuff at my house...I want to get rid of it but i just dont have time to do it..Then I have to look at it every single day...And there still some of my stuff are with him..He just dont bother to return it..Maybe he has already throw it away.. Tak tau what is the best word to describe all this..First time I'm facing heart breaks camnie..

But, I'm proud of myself jugak laa..Pandai gile berlakon..hehe..depan orang buat cam takde pape berlaku je..Tuhan je yang tau apa ada dalam hati n dalam kepala ni..Try to be with my friends all the time..Nak nangis pun tak guna kan? Life Must Go On...I hold on that..

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