Monday, April 7, 2008

Watching AF wit My Fellow Friends

Semalam, like last week I dengan JackJack memang nak gi watch AF.. Dah jadi our must do programme in Saturday night.. Last week Auntie Min, Reyna J and Fiq joint us kat Eramaju... Sepatutnya we all yang joint them.. But it suppose to be kat kedai mamak kerusi kuning, tapi kedai mamak tu nk bukak EPL.. The week before at Nora's' house.. This week we planned.. Reyna J sms me around 7.30pm tanya tengok kat ner.. We all memang nak tengok kat Eramaju pun walaupun ber2... Reyna J cakap diorang nak pegi situ gak.. Then joint by Dwan n her friends.. But, no one yang dapat tengok AF full from the beginning...Last time lambat.. Macam semalam plak Eramaju bukak EPL, Arsenal vs Liverpool... We have to wait until habis game baru we all leh tukar.. Yes, we all tukar sendiri, siap sorok remote kedai tu ok!

Kitorang hanya sempat tengok start dari Naim... So, Stacy, Faisal, Nadia, Alif, Lufya - kitorang terlepas.. My most awaited was Nubhan lar... Auntie, Fiq n Reyna also like Nubhan.. JackJack suka Lufya.. But terlepas tengok Lufya's performance.. My guess was right.. Nubhan screwed the song.. English song confirm ahh...heheh.. But I like his style mlm tu.. Dah kurang sket boyish/nerdy look dia tu.. But he still comel! I like Riz's performance too.. Riz tu no doubt lah! As I said, I want him to be in the final..

Stanly,he is a tenor... Dia mana leh nyanyi lagu rock.. I rest my case! heh! Saida, biasa je... Naim kesian aaa...hehe.. Toi biase je.. Skali dengar suara dia sebijik Mael XPDC.. And about Rina, dah expect dah mesti boom punya nyanyi lagu Enter Sandman... I didn't watch yet Stacy, Faisal n Lufya's performance.. Tapi I sempat tengok Lufya's baju masa recap semalam.. Mak aii! Burok giler baju dia.. JackJack pun cakap baju dia tak lawo.. I sempat tengok Alif and Nadia perform masa ulangan petang tadi.. I like! I like! Alif tu previous weeks dia nervous sangat kot. Ni rasanya dia dah dapat sesuaikan diri.. Hopefully next week much better ya.. Nadia plak, no need to say much.. I want her to be in the final oso!

End-up Naim n Lufya kena tarik bag... I dah cakap dh ngan JackJack that Lufya is gonna be out.. Dia tak caye! heh! But all of us expect kalo lelaki it should be Faisal to go out..Skali Naim daa... Naim ni ade character n he is funny.. He shud stay much longer.. I called Binky to inform Naim terkeluar.. Sebabnya Naim ni anak sedara si Amar ex Binky yang telah memenangi RM 2,500 minggu lepas for pertandingan sms AF tu.. AC Mizal sebut nama dia tuu...haha!

Habis watch AF Reyna J ke Bora, Auntie n Fiq nak jumpa orang kat somewhere.. Both of us memang nak balik laa.. But Auntie mengajak tido umah dia.. But I can't... If nak overnite nie kena plan awal-awal.. Next time lar Auntie yek... Heh! But sesampai di kolej JackJack, both of us cam biasa, mmg kalo leh dedua xmo balik.. JackJack kate, "Boring laa dok bilik sensorang.. If kita nak kuar balik ni we stil got time.." Cheh! Cannot...Next time larr... ;-p

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