Sunday, February 3, 2008

Kehidupanku Jika tanpa kawan2... Haruslah aku Mati Bosan!!

I have circle of frens from mcm2 background...Ofcourse the best part bila at one time u got so many invitations untuk berlepak n berjumpa but u taktau nk dahulukan siapa n how to say no to ur good buddies...

Last Thursday thats what happened to me... 3 'kinds' of friends.. Though kenal di tempat yang sama.. But during different occasions different reasons.. Sudahnya I 'kumpulkan' diorang n meet them altogether at 1 place, 1 table.. ehhehe...

Kawan 1: Oit! ko kat mana?
Me: Kat opis lagi lerr... tengah siapkan keje..
Kawan 1: Dah pukul bape ade kat opis lagi? Besok cuti (1st Feb-Hari Wilayah) takkan nak balik trus kot..Ko dh abis keje call aku..Temankan aku makan kat NZ..(sounds like arahan je ek?)
Me: Errr...(can I say no?) Ok!

Kawan 2: We shud discuss further about the forum...
Me: Okey..mlm nie bleh? Pas abis keje...
Kawan 2: Okey..okey.. I'll meet u tonite..Kat ner?
Me: NZ laaa...

While on d way to NZ....

Kawan 3: My Sista! where r u?Di opis lagi kah?
Me: Nope.. Me on d way to NZ..
Kawan 3: Cantek!! Ok..ok.. tunggu situ gue datang..
Me (dlm ati): Errr...ade ajak ke tadi?

That was my situation.. Skali kumpulkan semua... Hambik kau! 3 different topics I have to track.. hehhee.. But the best part masa bebaru sampai, kedengaran ayat nie.. "Laaa... engko ke?? Cheh! aku ingatkan sape!!" Actually, my fren from different side nie pun kenal each other.. Okeh! best..senang nak sembang...Kewl ehh?

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